Star of Florida, June 27, 1845
Tag: McLean
Walton County Sheriffs
The following list is from Victor Silvestri’s excellent publication, Encyclopedia of Florida Sheriffs, which is available from the Walton County Heritage Museum Gift Shop. The two-volume set has biographies of every sheriff who served in Florida from 1821 until 2008. Four Walton County Sheriffs died while in office: J. Murdock…
Stuart Knox Gillis
Stuart Knox Gillis, seventh son and eleventh child of John and Christian McIntosh Gillis, was born at Knox Hill, Walton County, Florida on July 28, 1866. He, like his older brothers, attended school at the Old Knox Hill Academy. As did many of his Gillis kin, Knox Gillis taught school in his younger…
August H. Gillet
In August 1884, the Florida Times-Union of Jacksonville reported, “Dr. A. H. Gillet with a party are touring in Florida looking out for a suitable locality for a winter Chautauqua and will return to Jacksonville on the 12th inst.” Charles C. Banfill saw that notice while attending a conference in…
Daniel Alexander Gillis
With the exception of a few terms Daniel A. Gillis has occupied the post of county assessor of Walton County since 1894. This long term of service alone should furnish sufficient evidence of his ability and fidelity to trust, but were it not sufficient such evidence could be found in…
Donald Stuart Gillis
During the past several generations there have been few wholesome movements on foot in Walton County, for economic and intellectual development, that have not commanded the support of one or more members of the Gillis family. These men have always been noted for the firm grasp they have maintained on…