The Breeze – June 30, 1910 – Page 4

Resolutions of Respect

Whereas, the all-wise Creator has seen fit to remove from this vale of sorrow to her eternal home, the beloved wife of our brother A. L. Beach.

And, whereas, we knowing the christian character of Mrs. Beach [Jennie A. Downs Beach], her kindly spirit, broad charity to all and her wifely devotion to her husband, we feel that our fraternal sympathy should be extended to those suffering this bereavement.

Therefore, be it resolved by Felton Lodge No. 63 Knights of Pythias that we extend to brother Beach and his children, our deepest sympathy, and commend them to the Supreme Chancellor of the universe, who alone can comfort them in their hour of unspeakable sorrow, and fill in their hearts the vacancy caused by the loss of the wife and mother.

Be further resolved, that a page in our minutes suitably inscribed, be dedicated to her memory, and that a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to brother Beach, and further, that these resolutions be printed in the local papers and the Florida Pythian.

R. W. [Royal Watters] Storrs, B. P. [Benjamin Pickett] Morris, H. [Hugh] Thornber, Committee.

[Contributed by Michael Strickland]

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