The Breeze – December 8, 1910 – Page 1


Felix Corbin, the man who was recently prominent in Pensacola and later in Georgia, by reason of the fact that it was he whom the federal government claimed had been deprived of his rights as a citizen by Sheriff Collins of Milton, and Sherriff Field of Georgia, was assassinated in Milton at an early hour last night. This information first reached Pensacola when the train from the east arrived, and later it was confirmed over the long distance telephone by residents of Milton.

According to these reports, Corbin, who was at his home, was called to his front door and shot dead: five bullets entering the body and producing almost instant death. When relatives reached him life was extinct and no clue could be obtained as to the assassins.

The assassination occurred early in the night, and it created intense excitement, according to what little information that could be gleaned. Residents of the place showed no disposition to give information relative to the shooting and preferred not to be questioned.

[Contributed by Michael Strickland]

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