Notice of Publication
Robert Russ, of Argyle; HD #37517 for N ¼ of SW ¼, SW ¼ of SW ¼ and NW ¼ of SE ¼ Sec. 18, T1N, R18W, to make final proof12 June 1912; wit.: R?? Simmons of DeFuniak Springs, ?? , Grimes McNeil, James Fletcher, Richard Manning, all of Freeport
Phillip Redrick of Santa Rosa, [very hard to read]to make final proof on Lot 1 Section ??, T3S, R20W; witnesses: Albin Anderson, JR Oakley, AR Oakley, StephenW Materson, all of Santa Rosa; Henry Chubb, Register
Willis Howard, of DeFuniak Springs, HE #37457 for N ? of NE ¼, Section 28, T3N, R20W; to make final proof 18 July, 1912; wit.: Matthew Nowling, Richard Henderson, John Cawthon of DeFuniak Springs & John Fields of Mossyhead, Florida; Henry Chubb, Register
William D Jones HE #07085 for E ¼ of NW ¼ & W ¼ of NE ¼, Sec. 2, T1N, R19W to make final proof 17 July; wit.: Alex Anderson, Billie Donaldson, Perry A Jones, HA Jones, all of DeFuniak Springs; Henry Chubb, Register
Other announcements under this heading
AP Bjorkland of Freeport and a number of other Socialists met here Saturday and nominated Capt. Eric Von Axelson for Representative of this county in the General Election . . . . – Laurel Hill News
The Woodman Camp at Red Bay is preparing a big 4th of July celebration
JJ Wilson here on jury duty this week
Contributed by Mary Ellen Wexler