The Breeze – December 29, 1910 – Page 2

Among the most interesting visitors here during the Christmas time was Col. W. J. D. Cawthon of Florala, better know all over this section as “Uncle Bullie.”

In spite of his 82 years he is still hale and hearty, and bids fair to reach the century mark, and he very properly ascribes his strength at an age when most of those who reach that number of years are decrepid to the fact that he has never used tobacco in any form and as for strong drink of any kind he is its sworn foe and ever ready to join in the fight against it.

He tells many interesting tales of the history of the county and of this town, and among other things he told us while here was that he dug with his own hands the first grave ever made here, [Chapelle] who died in the early days of the town.

His home is the Mecca for every one travelling that way and his reputation for hospitality is known everywhere. May he live to see many more Christmases, and one which is the wish of his life, when it shall be celebrated without a single drop of liquor.

[Contributed by Michael Strickland]

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