Notices for Publication
3rd notice – Joseph Davis, Deerland; HE# 38102 for E? of NE ¼ and E? of SE ¼, Sec. 22, T3N, R22W to make 5 year proof 28 March 1912; wit.: SR Mason, EM Parker, IA Parker, all of Deerland, WH Swiney of Dorcas; Henry Chubb, Registar
3rd notice – Willie Mabry, Freeport: HE# 37518 fo SE ¼ of SW ¼ and SW ¼ of SE 1/4 , Sec. 5, T1S, R18W to make 5 year proof 28 March 1912; wit.: Reuben Blackshear, Bill Godwin, both of Freeport, Callie Plowden, Mose Howell, both of Bruce; Henry Chubb, Registar
Contributed by Mary Ellen Wexler