Uncle Calvin Sears, one of the old time Negroes, respected and cared for alike by white and colored, and of that class of which only a few are left, died at the home of his foster son, T. G. McLendon, near town on the 27th (of September, 1911). Uncle Cal was brought county by his master, Mr. Tervin in 1849 and lived with him in Mossybend until emancipation. The later years of his life were spent at Eucheeanna, where he was employed by Judge Campbell, who with his family who tenderly cared for the old man as long as he lived. He was noted alike among both races for his sterling honesty and uniform courtesy and willingness to oblige in every way and his funeral was largely attended. There are but few like Uncle Cal left, but those few are shining examples to the younger generation. He had reached the advanced age of 78.
Contributed by Michael Strickland